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Selectmen Minutes 10/02/2007
Chichester Board of Selectmen
October 2, 2007                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:04pm.

There were no appointments scheduled this evening.

SUBJECT: Perry Brook Road
PRESENT: Lorne Boulet

Mr. Boulet presented the Selectmen with a letter of interest to take ownership of the potentially abandoned portion of Perry Brook Road, at the end of the cul de sac in front of Mr. Boulet’s home, should the Planning Board accept the new proposed Perry Brook Road layout for the Giuda & Merrill subdivisions.  

Mr. Boulet also submitted a letter to the Board expressing his and other area residents concerns for opening Perry Brook Road as a through way as a result of these subdivision proposals.


The Board signed the 2nd Issue tax warrant in the amount of $2,707,022.00.

The Board signed the annual contract for engineering services from CLD Engineering Consultants and the annual contract for tax map maintenance from the current vendor Cartographic Associates, Inc.  

Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

Mail was reviewed.

The Board approved the minutes of September 25, 2007 as corrected.

The Selectman had a general discussion of current budget expenses along with the initial preparation for the 2008 budget.  

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 9:10PM.

Respectfully submitted,

                                                                APPROVED AS WRITTEN
Lisa Stevens                                                            10/09/2007

______________________    _______________________   _______________________  
David Colbert, Chairman        Richard DeBold                      Stephen MacCleery